The Artist

My name is D’Jauna Miller and I am the designer and creator of Twizted Diva Jewelry. The name “Twizted Diva” was created because I thought that best described who I am.  I’ve always thought of myself as a “Diva” of sorts and I’ve always looked at things a little differently than others, thus the “Twisted”.  And, to put an even better spin on the phrase, I decided to change the “s” to a “z” and that’s how I came up with Twizted Diva.  Twizted Diva also describes the woman that is not afraid to be bold, different or stand out in a crowd.

I’ve been making & designing Jewelry for about 18 years, but I decided to take my designs to a different level in 2008.  My inspiration usually comes from fabric, artwork or furniture.  I love the way color and pattern comes together in pieces of fabric. I am enthralled by the way an artist can go deep inside and come up with something so unique that it just blows your mind.

I come from a long line of artistic and creative people.  My maternal grandmother (Dodgie) could make just about anything.  She would let my sister cut up just about anything she wanted to, in order to make clothes for a doll or some other kind of project. My paternal grandmother (grandma Ida) was an accomplished seamstress.  My mom, Benja Dozier is a coat designer designer (Benja Artistic Wearables). Her coats can be seen on the website

I give thanks to God everyday for the many gifts that he has given me.  I would like to also give thanks to my husband Emby, for being so supportive of me, my kids Tae’Lor & Malik for putting up with such a Twizted Momma, my mom, for teaching me how to be independent, allowing my creativity and for being my biggest fan, my sister Vikki, for being my best friend and my backbone when I need it, my friend Brenda for believing in me and for praying that “special” prayer, and to ALL of my friends that have been there and supported me along the way.
Heading photo by Stephanie Mathews Photography, Hair-Brian C. Hawkins, makeup-Brandi Taylor, model-Erin Johnson, stylist-christinakristin co
Salone' Art
78 N. Hamilton Rd., Ste. 3
Gahanna, Oh  43230
Phone: 614-471-2883
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